by BettyBhandari | Mar 30, 2015 | Couples & Engagements |
Thank you so much we loved the photos!
Serine & Harry came all the way from Singapore to spent some time in London and Bath. As they are getting married in Malaysia this spring, they got in touch with me for some engagement portraits that incorporated many of Bath’s beautiful sights. To make things easy I picked them up from their hotel and we drove to the Circus, the Royal Crescent, the Holburne Museum, Alexadra Park and Sham Castle. It was a sunny, but very cold day and poor Serine was putting on a brave face, wearing only a thin white dress. And while driving around from location to location we realised that I spent years working with Serine’s flatmate’s friend Jerry back in London – the world is so small sometimes!

If you liked these photos and are still looking for a photographer to take your engagement and/or wedding portraits, then please feel free to get in touch or email me for details.
by BettyBhandari | Nov 11, 2014 | Couples & Engagements, Wedding Info & Tips |
An engagement or pre-wedding shoot also gives you the opportunity to take photographs that you can incorporate into your wedding invitation. A ‘save the date’ notification tells your friends and family which date to keep free, even if you are not at a point where you want to give away where the wedding is going to take place.

Simply tell me before the session if you would like to do a save the date photo and I’ll bring additional props that you can incorporate.
You will receive your engagement portraits on a USB therefore you are under no limitation of use and you can freely use the photographs in the design of your wedding invitations.
by BettyBhandari | Oct 29, 2014 | Couples & Engagements |
Hi Betty, Wow – wir sind total begeistert – eins besser als das andere! Vielen vielen Dank, das sind Erinnerungen die uns lange begleiten werden. Liebe Grüße, Tom und Tine
In English: Dear Betty, we are exstatic – one better than the other! Many many thanks, those are memories that will be with us for a long time. Best regards, Tom & Tine
Tine and Tom are from Germany and got married early October. They contacted me in September to tell me they were coming to Bath for part of their honeymoon and would love to do a portrait session.
Firstly I love the fact that they are coming to beautiful Bath for their honeymoon! Tom used to live here for a while and they both know it well. Secondly I have more and more German or half-German couples contact me to photograph their weddings or babies, I am so happy that part of my heritage is coming to use again! It actually turns out that there are many expats like me here, married to beautiful Brits, some of them with even more beautiful multi-lingual kids. What a colourful life I have chosen!
Back to Tom & Tine. We were lucky to have a beautiful sunny autumn day and went for a long walk through Bath centre, starting at the Royal Crescent and finishing just outside Holburne Museum. Their testimonial made me so happy!! Getting married is a great time. Even better if you have fabulous wedding photos. But to have fab wedding photos (note: I didn’t take their wedding photos but saw one and that one was outstanding) AND honeymoon portraits, now that’s something we should all do from now onwards. 😉

If you want to celebrate your love and you are still looking for a photographer to create creative portraits then I would love to hear from you. You can call me on 07984 029 639, email me or fill in my simple & easy contact form.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, it would be great if you left a comment below, it only takes one minute.
You can also keep in touch and see recent updates of what I’m up to by liking my Facebook page.
by BettyBhandari | May 15, 2014 | Couples & Engagements |
Karis and Willhave been together since they were teenagers and the nicest thing (from a stranger’s point of view) was that they are totally not shy showing their love and affection for each other. I’m a soppy girl and have a romantic heart so that was right down my alley!
They live in Bristol and that is where we did the engagement portrait session. Started off at a park not far from their house and continued a loop via various places that had a meaning for the two of them. Thankfully we were blessed with amazing weather considering it was only end of March!

EDIT: And there are Karis & Will’s wedding pictures at Folly Farm!
If you like this portrait session and would like to do one yourself before your big day then I can call me on 07984 029 639, email me or fill in my simple & easy contact form. A pre-wedding portrait session is an excellent way to get to know your photographer before the wedding day and to capture some lovely portraits of the two of you, just as you are.