by BettyBhandari | May 28, 2015 | moments, Weddings |
I’m sure most women who got married traditionally will agree that walking down the aisle is pretty much THE most nerve-wracking moment of the whole day. It’s the moment when everything comes together, the bride & groom see each other for the first time and the marriage ceremony begins.
by BettyBhandari | Feb 17, 2015 | moments, Weddings |
The moment the bride and her dad pause, look at each other and touch noses for a second, before leaving the room to walk down the aisle. You can see the deep affection between these two.
by BettyBhandari | Jan 8, 2015 | moments, Weddings |
I took this photo in the Bath Registry Office last September. The groom was in the Alkmaar Room, waiting for all the guests to assemble, while the bride waited in reception for the registrar to call her in. The bride and her uncle (who was giving her away) were just practicing to walk festively in sync, when the registrar turned up and watched them for a while, before calling her in.